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52.6k Simple Dark/Pale Oak Farm
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## Designer - @booty - @Scorpio - @Sam. ## Versions - 1.16+ (Tested 1.20.4) ## Rates - Dark Oak Logs: 52.6k/h - Dark Oak Saplings (Excess): 400/h - Apple: 700/h - Stick: 4.152k/h - Bone Meal Usage: 9k/h ## Description - Simplified concept of [76k Simple Dark Oak Farm](<>), duplicates tnt inside of the tree then uses b36 timings to blow up most of the trunk. ## Positives Very cheap, simple wiring with high log to bonemeal output. ## Instructions ### Build Like all dark oak farms, this design is directional, do not rotate the build. ### Note - Setup the filter with 1 sapling in the first slot, 18 blockers in the second and one blocker in the rest - For faster rates with the same concept try [76k Simple Dark Oak Farm](<>) ### How to use 1. Configure sapling filter and load bonemeal 2. Sit in minecart with saplings in hand 2. Hold use while looking at the dirt, so that you place a 2x2 of saplings as the cart moves
Other uploads by Scorpio
Hi bro, i have made the farm and is not working. I made sure the farm was not rotated (if you are in the grass blocks and point to south you see the obsidian). i think that the obsidian is not allowing the tree to grow (if i rotated the farm could you please tell me to what direction the obsidian may be?)
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